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楼主 |
发表于 2009-4-15 16:25
回复 15# 滑行 的帖子
英语学习English Study, 里面可以分成:
1. 原创区 original works 这里可以发自己写的英语文章或其他,文章题材不限,更欢迎写英语小诗,想给女朋友写诗的可以在这寻找灵感
2.翻译点津 translation tips 大家在翻译上遇见问题可以在这求助,或发布好的英语翻译, 句子,词语,什么都可以
3.休闲英语 Easy Time here everyone can enjoy in movies, songs, readings, jokes, quotes and other fun stuff ,you can recommend the english song you like, and foreign pop songers, and everything that can make forumists enjoy and feel relax.
4.英语培训 good english training schools and authorities in weifang and other cities for both children and adults. English Exams which can improve white collars' carrer ability,also we talk about some other English tests, exams and related exercises. |